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If you are looking up this blog, there is a good chance you already know “morning” sickness is a misnomer – that ish can come whenever and wherever she wants to! But joking aside, if you experience this part of pregnancy (and not all people do), you are not ok.  The range of what is […]

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As adults, when we get really tired, we say we’re exhausted, burnt out, or worn out. We empathize with others, and if it’s ourselves, we try to do what we can to catch up or get rest when we can. We rationalize our way through it, and the emotions that come with being tired.  For […]

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Forming a relationship with your baby seems to some to come quickly for some. However, if that isn’t you, learning how to build a relationship with someone who does not speak, or really even move that much, is difficult.  For the majority of time when your newborn comes home, bonding centers around fulfilling their needs […]

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Twins are hard. Most parents can imagine some balance with a newborn because one baby means, at least some of the time, you get a break. But with twins, it can feel like you are tag teamed!  Even with two adults in the house, having two babies is different than having one. Most twin experts […]

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