Welcoming a new child into your family is as exciting as it is overwhelming. Our mission at Uptown Doula in Charlotte, NC is to support new and expectant families as they prepare for childbirth and the exhilarating journey into parenthood.
We’ll cover topics like childbirth education, placenta encapsulation and babywearing your newborn. Of course, if you have a specific question, we’re happy to help! Send us a message, and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Pregnancy is such a magical thing. We go nine months dreaming and preparing for the perfect labor and delivery, analyzing every little moment. There are tons of fears and concerns for different people going into labor. Will it hurt? Will I tear? Will I poop? (that’s a whole other topic that we will discuss, but […]
One of the possible outcomes of birth is the need for extra medical care for your newborn. Preterm birth, respiratory distress, infection, birth injuries, or other medical reasons are reasons a newborn may need to spend time in a hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or NICU. While care is needed, families can be distressed. They […]
While many people who hire sleep consultants know they are going to do it before they ever have children, some are slogging through the information. The internet is chock full of people shouting about every parenting choice’s rightness and wrongness that can ever be made, and maybe you need one more opinion to tip you […]
While many people who hire sleep consultants know they are going to do it before they ever have children, some are slogging through the information. The internet is chock full of people shouting about every parenting choice’s rightness and wrongness that can ever be made, and maybe you need one more opinion to tip you […]
Are you ready to shop for new furniture, or is your child letting you know it’s time? If you are like most families, the move from crib to bed feels fast. One day your child is sleeping soundly and waits in the morning to be lifted out, and the next, your little one is toppling […]
You want to sleep, you want your baby to sleep, and your baby needs sleep. So why doesn’t your baby sleep?! Most likely, your baby does sleep, but certainly not like you. Having a realistic idea of what a typical 24 hours for your baby are where we are going to start. If you aren’t […]
Before our country was engulfed in a pandemic, families were already worried about how to be out in the world and shop with a newborn. The concerns were about what do to when your baby cry at the grocery store? Or what to bring with you for an outing? Giving birth during the pandemic, […]
It can be a big scary world when you suddenly realize you have an infant to care for. And that new awareness can put parents on edge about just about everything. However, an unexpected source of pressure comes from your mind, thinking you have to do it all and be all. Coach, lover, provider, protector, […]
While much of the world has slowed and changed, babies are still being born. And having a baby still means parents are searching for the perfect name to give their children. How do you decide? It is so personal! Some names are “classic” and stay relevant regardless of social influence, and some names are linked […]
Whether you are confident of your choice to send your child to daycare, or apprehensive, there are ways you can help prepare your family, and your child, for a smooth transition. One of the most significant adjustments besides being around new caregivers is for your child to sleep in a new space. Before your first […]
Whether you are confident of your choice to send your child to daycare, or apprehensive, there are ways you can help prepare your family, and your child, for a smooth transition. One of the most significant adjustments besides being around new caregivers is for your child to sleep in a new space. Before your first […]
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