Sleep Training

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While many people who hire sleep consultants know they are going to do it before they ever have children, some are slogging through the information. The internet is chock full of people shouting about every parenting choice’s rightness and wrongness that can ever be made, and maybe you need one more opinion to tip you […]

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Are you ready to shop for new furniture, or is your child letting you know it’s time?  If you are like most families, the move from crib to bed feels fast. One day your child is sleeping soundly and waits in the morning to be lifted out, and the next, your little one is toppling […]

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You want to sleep, you want your baby to sleep, and your baby needs sleep. So why doesn’t your baby sleep?!  Most likely, your baby does sleep, but certainly not like you. Having a realistic idea of what a typical 24 hours for your baby are where we are going to start. If you aren’t […]

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There is a lot of misinformation circulated by well-meaning friends and sources about infant sleep. Who are you supposed to trust when it comes to getting your baby to rest? There are aunties, experienced parents, blogs, and pediatricians who all have THE tools to get your baby to sleep reliably. Still, when you try to […]

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