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You’ve reached it. 38 Weeks. Technically full-term. And you’re mis-er-a-ble. You’re also probably hungry. (Same.) What to do when you’re waiting for baby and hungry? Try some foods that allegedly induce induction, of course. Let’s serve that baby an eviction notice with these 4 super delicious and possibly-labor-inducing foo 1. Pineapple Pineapple contains an enzyme […]

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You are walking down the street on a normal fall day. As you walk, you notice the breeze pick up and leaves start to swirl more than usual. You look behind you and then turn back to face front only to see a huge purple and yellow cow standing in your path. The cow stand […]

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With cold and flu season upon us, we’re all taking precautions. Vitamin C, soup, supplements…anything we can do to avoid catching the nasties floating around. When you’re pregnant, your immune system is actually slightly lowered. Pregnancy also doesn’t allow for most common remedies. What’s an expectant person to do if they catch the dreaded bug? […]

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37…38…39…weeks keep passing and your baby is still hanging out? We’ve heard it said before that the first part of pregnancy goes so quickly and the last month lasts a year. It totally feels that way. Between a baby that has grown to nearing the size of a watermelon to your shifting center of gravity […]

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