The Uptown Doula Blog & Education Center

The go-to educational resource for new & expectant parents.

Welcoming a new child into your family is as exciting as it is overwhelming. Our mission at Uptown Doula in Charlotte, NC is to support new and expectant families as they prepare for childbirth and the exhilarating journey into parenthood.

We’ll cover topics like childbirth education, placenta encapsulation and babywearing your newborn. Of course, if you have a specific question, we’re happy to help! Send us a message, and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Created by a Birth & Postpartum Doula for YOU

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When a family starts thinking about how to get their child to sleep better, it can be for many reasons. what we see commonly is: Working with a sleep trainer is more than turning off the lights and leaving your child to cry until they are exhausted. We do not support that behavior or advice. […]

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Soothies, binkie, paci…whatever you call it in your family, pacifiers have been used for generations. Before polymers were used from the discovery of rubber trees, cultures around the world used things like beads made of wood, or other things like ivory, mother-of-pearl, bone, or coral, were used on the opposite end of a rattle, or […]

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There are so many ways to pack for your hospital birth. Do you like to have options?Do you feel best being prepared for any possible need?Do you need fewer options, so you feel less overwhelmed? Only you know how you operate best in stressful situations.  Your hospital bag can serve so many other functions, too, […]

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There are so many ways to pack for your hospital birth. Do you like to have options?Do you feel best being prepared for any possible need?Do you need fewer options, so you feel less overwhelmed? Only you know how you operate best in stressful situations.  Your hospital bag can serve so many other functions, too, […]

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When you imagine your life after having a baby, it is easy to see the diapers, snuggling, and a slew of baby items taking up space in your house. And if you have been reading up on birth recovery, you know your physical needs will need to be a priority in those first weeks home […]

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Babies are so many things — precious, miraculous, beautiful, fresh, sweet, innocent. Oh, and let’s not forget expensive! Our little bundles of joy involve a fair amount of spending, especially at the beginning. With that in mind, here’s how to prepare for your baby’s arrival so you’ll have everything you’ll need without going broke.  Build […]

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Of all the tests pregnant women go through, the Glucose Challenge Test is arguably the one you hear about most often. Down an electric orange drink, wait, and have your blood drawn…sounds fun, right? Some people don’t mind the drink (called Glucola) while others search for alternatives. There are alternate options for both what you […]

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Of all the tests pregnant women go through, the Glucose Challenge Test is arguably the one you hear about most often. Down an electric orange drink, wait, and have your blood drawn…sounds fun, right? Some people don’t mind the drink (called Glucola) while others search for alternatives. There are alternate options for both what you […]

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“Good morning!” “Good morning, how was your weekend?” It’s Monday morning and your brand new baby has come home. You’ve been up what seems like every two hours feeding them and getting them back to sleep. Birth has, as it usually does, taken a toll on you, and you’re feeling the pressure of getting back […]

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So often people ask, “Why would you want a doula overnight?” Super simple. Because it rocks. While we think that everything about having a Postpartum Doula rocks, we’re going to share with you the benefits we find to be incredibly exceptional. 1 Your Baby has a Rested Caregiver Look. Babies are demanding! They require a […]

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Team Umizoomi This cute show features two main characters, Milli and Geo, and a robot named Bot. Together they soar through space and explore math concepts. From counting to simple addition and subtraction, this show is a well done dive into prepping kids to enter preschool by introducing numbers in a fun way. Little Einsteins […]

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Team Umizoomi This cute show features two main characters, Milli and Geo, and a robot named Bot. Together they soar through space and explore math concepts. From counting to simple addition and subtraction, this show is a well done dive into prepping kids to enter preschool by introducing numbers in a fun way. Little Einsteins […]

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